How I Became Head Of Communications of a Non-Profit at 20 Years Old..

Sean McAlister
3 min readJan 6, 2021
Hi, I am Sean McAlister. Nice to meet you!

When Covid-19 struck I knew I could not just sit around all day long and let the day drift off. I am a workaholic and I always need to be doing something, which is a good thing, I guess…

I came across Coursera, which is an online educational platform which allows users to develop new skills from learning new languages to learning how to write up a CV/resume. I knew I wanted something to put on my CV/resume that would make me stand out from the rest. After a bit of research, I came across Harvard Business School Online. Which is exactly what the title says “Harvard Business School” but instead of doing their course programs on Campus, you have the novelty to do them online…but of course it comes at a price.

I started the ‘Management Essentials” program in May of 2020 which ran on till August 2020. Before I give an overview of how this program led me to become friends with a famous Hollywood Director who would then appoint me “Head Of Communications” of his LA Non-profit, all while I am 20 years old might I add, I want to say that this program changed my life and has led to so many opportunities and has allowed me to become friends with industry leaders.

I had a gut feeling that this course would be full of Individuals who were much more academic than I… much more powerful than I and much more confident than I. But one thing I knew was that I was going to give it my best shot to pass this program and push myself out of my comfort zone. The €2000 price tag also gave me that little push..

The program started out with an over-view of the modules we would be covering and also provided us with an opportunity to introduce ourselves to one another. My favourite aspect by far, was after module we got the opportunity to read and comment on other individuals work. Which was daunting at the beginning but was an opportunity to stay active and engaged.

As the course progressed and more and more information and value was shared during peer reviews, I became friends with many individuals, some included a top Chief Marketing Officer, a top manager in the Bahamas and Christopher, who I would soon become very good friends with and find out he is a Oscar Nominated Hollywood Director.

Certification of Completion for the Management Essentials Course.

When the course came to a close, my Classmates and I connected with each other on LinkedIn and still stay in contact to this day. Christopher however reached out to me and set up a meeting. He then went on to discuss how he owns a Non-Profit called “I am Someone” and stated that he saw potential in me and asked if I wanted to become apart of the team. Christopher asked If I would be comfortable being appointed to the role of “Head of Communications”. Of course I said “No”… just kidding, I immediately said “Yes” as not only did I have more confidence due to successfully completing the Harvard program but also because Christopher is a great friend and what 20 year old College Student gets such an opportunity. I would soon come to realise that one of my new team members would be the CEO of the Special Olympics…. as if I was not already nervous enough.

This is the story of How I became the Head Of Communications of an NGO at 20 Years Old and why pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can lead to great things.



Sean McAlister

An Irish Law and Business Student. I also own my own Marketing Company and I am the Head Of Communications of "I Am Someone"